
Dear user, we always strive to improve our content to make it as useful and informative for you as possible. For this, your experience and stories are crucial. We invite you to fill out a short form and share with us your stories about the emergencies, disasters, or problems you have encountered. Please tell us about the situation you found yourself in, what you felt at that moment, what or who helped you, what you lacked the most at that time, and how it all ended.

Your stories will help us:

  • Understand which situations arise most often
  • Offer more precise and useful solutions
  • Create content based on real events and your experiences

How it works:

  1. Fill out the short form below.
  2. Describe the situation or problem you encountered.
  3. Share how you solved this problem or how it was resolved.

Your stories will form the basis for a detailed analysis and future publications and recommendations from experienced instructors and rescuers. This will help you and other users avoid similar situations or prepare for them. All data will be used solely to improve our content and create more useful materials in the future. We guarantee complete anonymity of the authors and will avoid mentioning specific geographical or other names.

Fill out the form and share your story right now!

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Täites selle vormi ja esitades oma loo, annate nõusoleku RescuePro veebilehe administratsioonile teie teksti anonüümseks kasutamiseks oma äranägemise järgi, sealhulgas avaldamiseks ilma teie nime ja muude isikuandmeteta. Teie lugu võib olla toimetatud ja kasutatud veebilehe sisu täiustamiseks ning kasulikumate materjalide loomiseks. Teie isikuandmed jäävad konfidentsiaalseks ega edastata kolmandatele isikutele.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us! Together we can make our site better and more useful for everyone.